Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fun Week!!

We have had a pretty fun week so far! Tuesday we went to Riverside Park with Cathy, Kayli, & Chase. It was beautiful by the river, I loved it. We ate and played, and put pennies on the railroad track for the train to smoosh them. Hadn't done that in forever haha, Abby and the kids loved looking for the pennies after the train ran over them. I don't have any pictures from that day though because of course I forgot my camera :(

Oh yeah we also went to Delano Park with the same people are some pics from that:

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Going down the slide with Kaylie because she won't go alone, she is terrified :(
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Wednesday we got up early and met Jaime and Addi over in Huntsville at The Little Gym for a mommy & me class. Oh yeah... ride there sure was a challenge, everything was going great until Abby got choked on her juice and spit up all over herself :( So of course that freaked me out, and she was crying, I missed my exit, got off on an exit on accident because I wasn't paying attention to what lane I was in, and ended up on some random street. hahaha I was like great, but thank God I left early just incase something like that happened. So I don't know how but somehow I turned on a street called Pratt Avenue (that one looked familiar thanks to Frankie's!) So i'm going down Pratt about to stop and ask how to get on University Drive as I look at the sign of the street I was on and it was University Drive! So I was like holy crap how did this happen?! Anyways, long story short, I had a angel in the car with me this morning because if not I would probably still be lost in Huntsville ;)

Once we finally made it to the Little Gym, I quickly changed Abby and hurried in to meet Jaime and Addi. I didn't know what to expect with how Abby would act around all of the kids. Well she was shy at first but started to warm up a little about half way through it. They sang songs, shook shakers, banged sticks, played on the gymnastics stuff, kicked balls, blew bubbles, and all kinds of stuff! I think it really would do her good to start going, and I can see were she would learn a lot from it :) It's kinda far to drive once a week but the website says there is one coming to Decatur so hopefully I can get her in something this year!

After the mommy and me class we took the girls over to Big Spring Park to feed the ducks & fish, huge fish!
Haha here are some pictures:

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 Today i'm going running and working out ALL day, because I am so fatttt!!!! haha...We also have some people coming to our FHTM meeting tonight so hope that goes well..have a great day :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Inside Peanut Butter, Outside Jelly!

You might wonder what is up with my post title, haha well I will clue you in. We had a famous person join our downline in FHTM today, YAY! He might not be in the spot light now days, but he still is singing and he still knows a LOT of people that are. You still wondering who it is?
Okay it's this guy:

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Donald Sharp, Aka "Cadillac Don". He is a rapper! Remember my title? Well that is his most famous song, (that I know of) it was popular in 2006 (my freshman year of highschool/gerald's senior year). I know you must of heard it haha ;) Anyways, Dj Hollywood (I talked about him in a post the I wrote a while back) knew Cadillac Don really well so we did a meeting with him and his wife and they loved it! It was cool to meet him, he was VERY nice. Hollywood is really doing a great job, it seems like he knows everyone and their mama haha! We are very excited to bring fame to our we are excited to see what he does for our business!

Anyways, on another note here is a cute picture of Abby's hair braided for the first time. Wanted to put it on here for when I print this thing out one day and make it into a baby book.
Abigail, I showed it to you in the mirror and you just loved it - Although your mommy is not the best braider ;)
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What a cutie you are :)

Here are some more pics from our day:

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Haha you love when I make these grass bracelets for you, it has become almost a daily thing.
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& last here is you and daddy, I thought it was cute how little you are compared to him :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Today I took Abby to the park at Delano. This was her second time to go play there..her first was yesterday. She played yesterday with her new friend Addison! They had a lot of fun, and we loved being out of the house so much that I had to take her again today. Other than that today was a little laid back so this is going to be a really short post. We have a FHTM meeting begining anytime now... here are some pictures of our last two days at the park:
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Gotta get to the meeting
I'll post again later this week :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Today was Easter Sunday so the easter bunny brought Abby a basket full of goodies. Last year Abby didn't really understand, but she was SO excited this year! She kept saying "the easter bunny bought me this".. it was sweet. We didn't get to go to church we really wanted to but we usually tag along with Gerald's parents to First Bible, but they coudn't make it this year. Anyways, after that we went over to our friends Krista and Michael's house to hunt eggs! Abby had so much fun & she really did a good job with it being her first egg hunt! She played with Krista's neice Kiari in the tree house/ "space ship" haha, thats what Michael told Abby it was. They also played with bubbles, and other fun stuff! Me and Gerald had soo much fun helping her hunt for eggs for her first time, it's times like that, when I see her face just light up with happiness, that makes me so happy and thankful to be her mommy. She is such a sweet little girl and I am so happy that we are her parents and get to watch her grow, and learn! It will just keep getting more and more fun over the years, it's very exciting that we are blessed with this opportunity! If we could go back in time I wouldn't change our life for anything :)

Anyways, enough with the mushy-ness haha! Now we are headed home from Nashville, we got another addition to our family. Her name is Gia and she is a all white gorgeous pitbull. Gerald is going to breed her with Jock and sale the puppies. She is sooo sweet and Abby loves her! Well we are going to go home and introduce Jock to his new friend :). Then we will definately be relaxing the resssst of the night, i'm exhausted!

Here are some pictures of our Easter fun, enjoy :)

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Well I would add more but the uploader is messing up :(
Oh well, i'll post again later this week.
Happy Easter!!