Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Pet.

This is Abby's new pet fish, and there is also a sucker fish in there somwhere. She has not named them yet, any suggestions?!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Real Earrings!!

Abby got her ears pierced yesterday, Sunday, March 13th, 2011. She sat in my lap, and harldy even flinched (actually I don't even remember her even flinching). They look super cute, and she loves them! Yayy Abby:)

Sitting and waiting on the piercing lady to get ready.
Making the marks on her ears before she pierced them. This was a long process lol, because mommy was kind of picky. ;)

One down, one to go!
All done! Such a big girl!
Of course she got a bunch of prizes for being brave, and that made her so happy! Her ears are doing great so far, and they are not even red. Lets pray they stay like this! =)
