Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ER Visit

This morning I woke up to Gerald saying "We got to go to the ER I think i'm seriously dying!" I jumped out of bed and my heart was just a racing, what a way to wake up haha! He was in SEVERE pain, i've never seen him actually show that he is hurting. I mean he walked on a torn ACL for almost a year and didn't even know it, haha he's pretty tough ;) Anyways, we got to the hospital and they managed to get him some medicine for the pain. It was worse because he didn't know what was wrong.. then they did some test and found out he had a large kidney stone. It was hurting so bad because it was moving around and it was comma shaped, not round, or long. They said that its not usually like that and might not pass on its own. We are home now though and he is feeling much better thanks to the meds. He has a apointment to see a urologist tomorrow so hopefully the doctor will decide what to do, go in and zap it, or just let it pass. Until then please pray for him!

On another note, I am SO excited.. we're signing up Abby for a "Mommy and me gymnastics class" this Thursday! I love tumbling and I can't wait to get Abby into it. She can't do much right now, but I think it will be good for her to start early and be around other toddlers. I'm sort of torn though because I would love for her to join a dance class next year, but i'm thinking that may be too much for her? We'll see.

Well i'm going to go and get Abby ready for bed, sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Ah! I know that was scary. I am glad my brother is feeling better though!

    I am so EXCITED that Abby is going to start gymnastics!! How cute! I can't wait to watch her. Dance would be soo cute too next year! Fun times!
