Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finally Fixed

So Gerald has been working on our friend Hollywood's boat for a while now. He bought it from a young guy that let it sit out in the rain without a cover, it was brand new and it totally destroyed the interior, but other than that it's a pretty nice boat. Seriously who would be so careless to not take care of a boat, some people just take things for granted.  Well anyways, Gerald took it to his brother-in-laws house the other day so he could give it a try because he's a mechanic. Well they finally got it fixed and we were able to go ride on it today. I love being on the water and haven't been in a very long time so it definately made my week :)

Tomorrow, we are getting up really early and taking a little fishing trip on the boat. We've been going fishing a lot here lately. So far I really like it! Abby went with us the first time we went and she loved seeing us "catch the fishies". I caught my first fish ever that day..haha I never have had ANY luck in the past. Also it was the first time for me to do any of the fishing things.. like putting a cricket on the hook, taking the fish of the hook.. stuff like that. I was clueless but thankfully I have a Gerald. He is such a outdoors guy, he knows a little bit - to a lot about EVERYTHING, seriously!
I caught so many, and would post a picture but my computer is messing up so maybe later. They were all little except one. It was pretty big but it broke my line because I was too excited and somehow messed it up reeling it in... Gerald wasn't too happy about that ;)

Well i'm gonna get to bed.
Hopefully I catch a big one tomorrow,
if so i'll be sure to post a picture! :)

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