Saturday, February 26, 2011


Abby is getting a "big girl room". Seriously, the baby bed is down =(. Including all of the furniture, I am starting from scratch! My aunt kim made her a DIY cloth headboard to go above a twin size frame/mattress (still working on that though). Today I painted an ugly glass picture frame with chalkboard paint. That stuff is so cool, and I also painted her new drawers!!
Here are some pictures:

Here are the drawers before..
and after.
So that previous pic, is a picture of the overall progess so far on her room. Can you tell I just started today? The other side is so empty right now. Her new bookshelf will be here tomorrow, and the bed in the next week or so. There is still so much to do, like pictures, paintings, etc. Here are a couple more pics of some wood I just painted on for fun, but they turned out being kinda cute.
"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart"- Pooh. =)


  1. Hey girl. I really love your idea. This is really cute stuff. BTW I still love readin your blog. Hope it doesn't make you mad or whatever. Cause like I said before...I still care about you. But anywho, I wish I was creatve like this. Good job! You're a good mom.

  2. Thanks! I just found yours, the one I had for you wasn't working because I had the wrong web address lol. Love it, can't believe you are already so far along!! Time has flown.

  3. Haha yeah I deleted my old one. I needed a new start...things have been crazy but it has flown by so much!
