Saturday, February 27, 2010

Play Date

Today Abby had her first play date with our friends little girl, Georgia! COMPLETELY destroyed Abby's room haha, but she had so much fun! Georgia is 6 months older than Abby, but they are the same size and really get along well. They rode her little four wheeler, played in her kitchen, played with babies, all kinds of stuff. It's was really fun to watch, plus we got to hang out with our friends Jennie and Jason!
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They were so cute riding together.
We also re-did my moms room today. My Aunt Kim bought her a new bed and bed set for her birthday, which was so nice of her. It looks so much better! I'm glad she won't be sleeping on a uncomfortable futon anymore. We are also going to get some cool pillows, paintings, and curtains to match and give the room more spunkyness, we might even paint it :)

Tonight we are going to watch some movies that we rented: The Time Travelers Wife, The Informant, and The Invention of Lying. Some friends might come over to watch it with us, Krista and Michael. Hope they turn out to be good! :)


Monday, February 22, 2010

Pretty Weather

I have really enjoyed the weather this weekend, it was soo pretty outside!
It makes me want Summer to hurry up and be here.
Then again i'm not in shape yet so it can wait!
Anyways, Abby was sick Friday night throwing up :(. She woke up Saturday and seemed fine, other than the fact she had NO appetite. We played outside with the puppies and swang on her swing set. She had so much fun!
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It took some convincing to get Abby to go down the slide, but when she did she LOVED it! Oh, and I mentioned we played with the puppies. We only have 2 puppies left out of the 10, yes TEN puppies, that we had! These are the two we have left, Labrador Retrievers, (50 dollars each if you want one):
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They are just fat furr balls, and I have fallen in love with them, they are sooo sweet!

So after playing outside all day, Abby started to feel bad again towards dark, she even threw up again. So we decided to take her to the hospital and it turns out she has an ear infection. Bless her heart :( I hate seeing her like this, she has slept most of the day but is up now and seems to be feeling a little bit better. Hope so! Well, I'll post again soon and try to not get behind.


Good Things Are Happening

Sorry it's been a while since I have update, we have had a LOT going on. Gerald is gone during the days now working, and he has the lap top so I haven't had time to get online. I guess i'll start off with the week before last. We signed our friend Derek up in FHTM, so he has been going 9-5 with Gerald every day working. They are doing so great! Gerald got his old welding professor "DJ Hollywood" to sign up this past Thursday!! We are so excited about that because he knows a lot of people. Not that this matters but he showed me Lil Jons number in his phone, along with so many other famous rappers, Hahaha I thought it was so cool! He owns a promoting company so like anytime a club owner wants to book a famous rapper that works with Hollywood, they have to book it through him. He does a lot of concerts too. He owns a big stage and screens, and all kinds of sounds equipment.. so he said whenever we need anything like that for a big FHTM event it's just a phone call away! He is going to be great! If you haven't heard of this business opporunity please ask me about it, it will change your life.

Anyways, we went to Michael and Krista's saturday night and saw some people we haven't in a while. Here are some pictures:
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Don't really know where I got these, or why I took a picture with them haha?
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He played a lot of pool
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This was last Saturday at another friends house.

So thats it for our weekends!
I'm about to post again on Abby :)


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Update On Gerald

This is going to be really boring for anyone reading this, sorry :)
So we got up this morning and got ready for Gerald's doctors apointment, we got to the office 15 minutes early (12:15) because we knew he had to fill out paper work. Well when we got there we saw no cars and the door was locked. So we just figured they were at lunch, we wait a few mintes and still no one. So we head home to eat lunch Gerald was feeling sick from taking meds on a empty stomach. We then headed back to the office around 12:40ish, still nobody there. So we headed BACK home to call them. Welllll we found out we were at the OLD office, of course, the new one was in the new part of Decatur General. Hahaha we were so mad, because we had two apointments today and we were already pushing for time. His was suppose to be at 12:30 and mine was at 2:30, but we didn't get to his until 1:00 so I figured I would probably miss mine and re-scheduled. Glad I did that because it took FOREVER, we didn't get home until around 4:30. Oh yeah, change of subject, when we were in the waiting room a 95 year old man asked Abby to marry her ;) haha it was so cute, he loved talking to Abby.. and he definately didn't look 95. I thought it was so awesome that he was still out and about enjoying life!

Okay so back to Gerald...he found out that he will be having surgery tomorrow afternoon, and it will make him allll better :) Yay! We finally made it home around 4:30ish. Now we're waiting on American Idol to come on, I love it this year because there is so much talent. The girls are really good, but there was a few guys I loved! If anyone was watching, one of the first guy that played the guitar and I think he was hispanic or something, but he was sooo good I really liked him, and the girl from Orlando was good too. Oh and there was another blonde girl, I can't remember her name... but I do know on the auditions she was crying because her bestfriend died. Gerald thinks she will win it. Well it's coming on, bye!! :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ER Visit

This morning I woke up to Gerald saying "We got to go to the ER I think i'm seriously dying!" I jumped out of bed and my heart was just a racing, what a way to wake up haha! He was in SEVERE pain, i've never seen him actually show that he is hurting. I mean he walked on a torn ACL for almost a year and didn't even know it, haha he's pretty tough ;) Anyways, we got to the hospital and they managed to get him some medicine for the pain. It was worse because he didn't know what was wrong.. then they did some test and found out he had a large kidney stone. It was hurting so bad because it was moving around and it was comma shaped, not round, or long. They said that its not usually like that and might not pass on its own. We are home now though and he is feeling much better thanks to the meds. He has a apointment to see a urologist tomorrow so hopefully the doctor will decide what to do, go in and zap it, or just let it pass. Until then please pray for him!

On another note, I am SO excited.. we're signing up Abby for a "Mommy and me gymnastics class" this Thursday! I love tumbling and I can't wait to get Abby into it. She can't do much right now, but I think it will be good for her to start early and be around other toddlers. I'm sort of torn though because I would love for her to join a dance class next year, but i'm thinking that may be too much for her? We'll see.

Well i'm going to go and get Abby ready for bed, sweet dreams!

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Sweet Abby :)

This is a post about Abigail :)

Here are some silly pictures/sweet pictures.. she has such a big and loving personality!

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she is the sweetest thing :)
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This is her latest picture.. she is wearing her
new skinny leg jeans she got for her bday.
She loves them!
but i'll stop with the pictures because I could go on forever haha,
i'll just try to put a few at a time with each post.

Well, this week has been boring for us, I know Abby is extremely bored, it's just too cold to do anything fun. These are a few of her terrible 2 moments we have experienced since her birthday:
Climbing up her changing table and sitting on top of it. She put 2 rolls of toilet paper in the toilet. Takes off her pull up, all the time, and today she put her stickers allll over our end table. Haha, oh it has been fun! My mom was leaving tonight to go pick up a pizza, as she was walking out Abby came running up saying "Mamaw wait, 2 pizzas and coke, thanks." It was so funny, she has been saying that on her phone alot too i've noticed, I guess she thinks she is ordering food. After that she came up to be a few mintues later randomly saying "Heyyy gorgeous!" She always makes my days :) I'm going to start posting about some of the random things she says, because there is a lot, and I want her to read this one day.

Well anyways, I can't wait for The Bachelor tonight, he's meeting their family.
  Oh yeah on a previous post I said Ali was my favorite
.. well I changed my mind it's Tenley! I can't believe it's already down to 4?
I will post again later this week, i'm getting my
hair cut, dyed, and highlighted so I will put a picture
haha IF it turns out good :)


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Two Years Old

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Abby was born February 1, 2008 at 6:03 pm
Best day of my life

I love you Abigail Leigh Newsom, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and your daddy :)

Where in the world did 2 years go?!?!?!

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We had Abby's birthday party on Sunday, although her real birthday was the next day. When I woke her up Sunday morning and told her we were going to get ready for the party, she was SO excited! It was so sweet! I put her in her dress and put all her jewelry on.. haha you could just tell she new she was a little princess! So we went to set up her party at Gerald's parents house..and wait on the guests to arrive. Well we actually didn't think many people would show up because of the weather, but it turned out to be a pretty good party. She had about 7 kids. The theme was Tea Party, so we had feather hair pieces for everyone to wear, with gloves that matched. She loved it! Opening presents was fun, she had a lot of help from the little girls that came. It went a lot smoother than last year! At one point she was handing out her presents to other people, it was sweet. She liked to read the birthday cards and pull out all the clothes and look at them, she loves clothes. I can't keep her out of her closet anymore, she just pulls out shirts and says for me to change her haha. So anyways, she got some clothes, a little puppy that came with a carrying looks like Christen and Tasha's dogs (malteses), so she loves it. She also got a really cool tv game, My. Potato Head, a movie, a princess table with chairs, and some other things. After opening presents we went outside to blow bubbles! It was a great day and i'm so happy that she had fun. I was putting the pictures online and she said "Happy Birthday Party" it was so cute!
Here are some more pictures:

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Still can't believe she is 2 years old!
It seems like just yesterday we were in the hospital waiting to have her.
She has changed so much it's scary haha.
I love her so much :)

CiRcUs TrIp

Last Friday me, Gerald, Abby, and his sisters kids Kayli and Chase all went to Birmingham for the Circus!! It was so much fun, I didn't get any pictures but when his sister posts her pictures I will put some on here.
Anyways, it was my first circus so i'm sure people were looking at me like how old is she? haha because I was so excited. It was Abby's first time too, she liked it pretty well I guess. She was tired though and i'm sure she was very overwhelmed with all the things going on. I'm glad she got to see Christen and Ben though, and she always LOVES to be around Kayli and Chase.. so i'm glad we got to go! It's so funny, I can tell she is becoming a little girly because she use to lovvve Chase, I mean she still does, but she use to not want to play with Kayli as much and now it seems like its the other way around haha, it's cute. Well, we said our goodbyes and got in the car to head back to Decatur. We had NO idea where we were, we were just going on directions Christen and Ben had given us to get back to the interstate. Well, the phone rang and it was Christen. She said we missed the we turned around. We pulled up to the red light and she said to turn left the turn right immediately on the ramp, she didn't know there was no left turn. Haha.. sooo of course we missed the ramp and all I heard was Ben screaming "They're on a one way!" About that time Gerald says "I think we are on a one way, there are cars coming at us." haha.. it wasn't funny but we pulled over in time into a parking lot. While i'm still on the phone with Christen and we're laughing, a cop pulls up with her lights on!! She was understanding though and got us directions, even though Christen and Ben were pulling up to show us where to turn. So they pull up to wait on us, and another cop car pulls up with his lights on. It was so funny, we couldn't stop laughing! Anyways, we found the ramp and got on the interstate. Oh and while turning on the interstate we hopped the curve... so we just looked really dumb that night! Haha at least we didn't hurt anybody! The whole way home I was nervous about ice being on the roads, but we made it home just fine. Abby fell asleep as soon as we got in the car, and slept til lunch the next day, she was exhausted!

I'm about to post again on her birthday party :)