Saturday, May 22, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

I know it has been a long time since i've updated this thing but we have been SO busy and I never feel like it!
We are busy because we set a wedding date!!! Yay :) October 3, 2010.. i'm so excited, but gosh I didn't know this would take so much work. The place we're getting married at is on the Arsenal called the Rustic Lodge, it's over looking the river.. but it needs alotttt of decorating since it's so old and rustic I guess you could say, and i'm not good at decorating AT all! I have a friend helping me out though so hopefully we will get some ideas and everything will turn out wonderful. So thats the reason I haven't been updating much.

Today me and abby are going to huntsville with a couple of my bridesmaids and i'm going to get my wedding dress :) It should be a fun day, I love hanging out with Katie and Krista!! For an update on Abby, she is talking SO much now, allllll the time... and boy is she sassy, ALL girl :) Yesterday she was laughing at Krista with her hand over her mouth like all proper and you could tell it was sooo fake and she would say "thats hilarious" and then throw her hand out in front of her like prissy you know? haha it was sooooo funny! She just is her own little person now and she's really fun!

btw I probally won't have any cute pictures on here for a while because I lost my camera :(
I'm going to go get ready for my day though, have a great weekend!!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We decided to start a little painting project today and it turned into us painting ALL of our bedroom furniture. Over the past few years me and Gerald have been together we have gathered a lot of furniture that was given to us from family members, none of it really matching. So you can only imagine how our bedroom was starting to look and it drove us crazy. Here is a picture of what we did to it though for only TWELVE dollars..nothing too special but it looks 100% better and we are so proud we did it for that cheap:)

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I didn't take a picture of what they looked like before but they were just a wood color and didn't match. We did our bed too but I haven't gotten a picture of it because we're still in the process..just taking a break. I'm exhausted!! Oh yeah, got my hair cut short yesterday and I love it. SO much easier to get ready now which means everything with a 2 year old :)

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Well gotta go finish putting our room back together...that should be fun right?
Happy Hump day everyone!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Joy In Life

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February 1, 2008
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Abigail Leigh Newsom was born :)
"The moment a child is born, a mother is also born. She never exsisted before. The woman exsisted, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."

She is pure joy and i'm so thankful to be her mommy.
Even though most people say it is not right to have a kid at our age, I know that God blessed us with her for a reason. Don't get me wrong, it was very hard to adjust, but I am a firm believer in EVERYTHING happens for a reason, and wouldn't change a thing! 

Abby can make anybody smile, I am so happy that me and gerald are her parents and get to watch her shine as she grows up :) Speaking of growing up..I can't believe this is my third Mother's Day! She has already grown this much:

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Daddy helped her write this
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She picked these for me from my aunt Kim's house!
When she walked in the door with them she said
"Happy Mother's Day Mommy" ♥
haha they are a little dead looking but it's the thought that counts right ;)

"Virtue and Happiness is mother and daughter." -Bejamin Franklin

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart going walking around outside of your body." -Elizabeth Stone

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I love you with ALL my heart Abigail Leigh and
I hope all the moms out there have the BEST day tomorrow :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finally Fixed

So Gerald has been working on our friend Hollywood's boat for a while now. He bought it from a young guy that let it sit out in the rain without a cover, it was brand new and it totally destroyed the interior, but other than that it's a pretty nice boat. Seriously who would be so careless to not take care of a boat, some people just take things for granted.  Well anyways, Gerald took it to his brother-in-laws house the other day so he could give it a try because he's a mechanic. Well they finally got it fixed and we were able to go ride on it today. I love being on the water and haven't been in a very long time so it definately made my week :)

Tomorrow, we are getting up really early and taking a little fishing trip on the boat. We've been going fishing a lot here lately. So far I really like it! Abby went with us the first time we went and she loved seeing us "catch the fishies". I caught my first fish ever that day..haha I never have had ANY luck in the past. Also it was the first time for me to do any of the fishing things.. like putting a cricket on the hook, taking the fish of the hook.. stuff like that. I was clueless but thankfully I have a Gerald. He is such a outdoors guy, he knows a little bit - to a lot about EVERYTHING, seriously!
I caught so many, and would post a picture but my computer is messing up so maybe later. They were all little except one. It was pretty big but it broke my line because I was too excited and somehow messed it up reeling it in... Gerald wasn't too happy about that ;)

Well i'm gonna get to bed.
Hopefully I catch a big one tomorrow,
if so i'll be sure to post a picture! :)