Friday, June 14, 2013

Fun Times

The Fairhope pier is so much fun, and SO pretty to fish at! Always crowded, and sailboats/boats out on the water! Their is also a public bay beach with a park that is really neat!

 Cole sure loves it! :) 

 We catch a lot of these guys. This one was huge!! 

And when the sun goes down it gets even more amazing. Such a pretty sight to see!

 The shore line and beach. 

 My little baby catfish lol!


 Pretty Abigail <3 br="">

 We were down at the pier by our house the other day and the beach was FULL of ducks. It was so neat to see. They would all walk in a line, get in the water one by one (or side by side whatever), and swim over to the other side of the beach to get right back out in a line. I don't know, one of those things you had to be there to see to appreciate it. Really neat though! ;)

 Abby's little friends have been coming over a good bit lately to play. We usually watch them for their daddy since their mama just left. It's a heartbreaking situation, especially when they start talking about it. We try to just distract them by saying she'll come around sooner or later, or something like that. I mean what do you say when a child says "mommy wants out of the marriage". They are so precious and they're the best of friends with Abby!
 We also just got this tiny pool for hot days. Abby is too old to really enjoy it anymore, but Cole is in love, haha!

It's been a great start to this summer :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hello from Africa

Lol JUST kidding, but it certainly feels like it on the Gulf right now! Lord it's HOT and HUMID!! We actually have friends down this week/weekend from north Alabama. Gerald has taken them fishing today on the pier, and we're going to have some drinks tonight at a local karaoke bar. Then tomorrow and Saturday we're heading to the beach for some fun and more hotness! ;)

Life has been treating us pretty well lately. We're just steadily getting back on our feet after the whole New York/Jersey disaster. We're still living by the bay, and it seems like times flying by to when Abby starts kindergarten. We have started a little school shopping, but mostly just planning on what all she will need. There is so much and I'm afraid we'll miss something. I know she will be okay, and do great though! :)

Hmm... Let's see, Cole is now 16th months old. He's ALL over the place! We call him the little Tasmanian Devil. Lol, he destroys everything in his path. You give him a crayon, and he's straight to the walls (that kinda thing). Haha and boy does Cole have a set of lungs. He will just scream and scream until he gets what he wants. Which we are steadily working on to break that habit. His Mawmaw may or may not have something to do with that spoiled little boy ;)! Other than his new found confidence, Cole's quickly growing up. He's the cutest and sweetest thing! Him and his big sister play so well now, and it's the best thing to watch. He wants to do everything she does. Me and Gerald always crack up at him because he is seriously the funniest little guy ever. He is just like his daddy in so many ways.

My mom recently moved down to Fairhope with us. She is working here part-time now, but she mainly came so we would have a family member close by. Just someone to call if we ever need anything or have an emergency. When you know you don't have anyone there you except six hours away, it gets very stressful sometimes. My mom is living with us until she is able to move into her own place, and it has been really nice. We love having a family member here, and she loves Fairhope and her grandbabies! So it works out nicely haha! ;)

We do a lot of fishing around here, and the pier is just right down the street from us so it's really convenient. Also, Abby recently got to visit with Gerald's sister's family. They visited Fairhope, and actually stayed down the road from us for their friend's wedding at the Grand. So Abby got to go spend the night with her cousin, and she had lots of fun.

I'll post pictures from our weekend at the beach sometime next week.. (If I can manage to keep up with this thing!)