Thursday, June 23, 2011


This weekend is going to be a tough one for us. We will be moving out of our third story apartment.Yikes right?! I am absolutely dreading it, and I'm sure Gerald is too. He hurt his knee pretty bad yesterday morning. While getting out of bed he stood up, and his right leg (the one he's had ACL surgery and other things removed from) was still asleep. It immediately popped backwards and sideways, dropping him to the floor. It was so loud I woke from my sleep to see him on the floor in major pain. It was awful, and I felt so bad for him. Poor baby =(. So I don't think me and him moving all of our stuff on our own is going to be a good time, but we HAVE to be out by then. One good thing we can focus on is being able to move into a new place within the next week or so. As long as we can find a cute rental we both love thats a reasonable price. The sooner the better. Oh, and guess what!?! We have decided to move to Hartselle!!! I am so excited, and Gerald is too. After all it was his idea. I can't wait to start fixing up our own place, and be in a new city. Even if it is close by it's still new to us. And, Hartselle is so cute with that country kind of feel to it that we both love. So basically the next couple of weeks are going to be super busy for us.

We have also started to plan our wedding which is so much fun. It is going to be super simple, cheap, and DIY. I've already got my dress, now I am starting on the DIY fun stuff. Each pay check Gerald gets, I get a wedding allowance to go get things to make my decoration ideas for the reception (which will be in a family members backyard). I love that it's going to be in a backyard during the Fall, it is my favorite time of year. We have decided on October 7th, which is only three months and two weeks away!! Not long at all. If anyone has any christmas lights, mason jar, small white candles, old wooden 2 by 4 scraps, fishing line, a chocolate fountain, and karioki machine we can have/borrow.. it would be GREAT! Contact me if you can be any help with those items.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Please pray that we have an easy move this weekend, for Gerald's knee to get better, the weather cooperates with us, and we are able to find the perfect place for us in Hartselle. =)


Monday, June 13, 2011

No Camera

Wow, it has been too long since I have updated this blog. My car was broken into a couple of months ago, and unfortunately someone stole my camera. I still get so upset when thinking about it. How do you break into someone's belongings, go into their purse, and throw it on the side of the fence? Makes me cringe. Karma will get them though. Anyways, I will give an update on Abby. She has absolutely hit the attitude stage. I thought the terrible two's were bad, but boy was I wrong. No one ever told me there was a terrible three's too?!?! LOL. I'm just kidding, I love you Abby, but you are kind of a handful right now. Things are starting to get better, but for a while there she really acted about thirteen towards me and Daddy. Now I will brag some on her so she doesn't hate me for saying that when she is older ha ha. Her speech is really getting better, and she is so smart. I am staying at home with her right now, so I get to enjoy every minute of her day. Today I was talking to her about me and Daddy's wedding (yes, we're finally getting married), and she said, "I'm not ever getting married. I want to be a baby forever." Ha ha I thought it was the cutest thing. Then I asked her if she would marry Justin Beiber. After seriously thinking about it, she said, "No way!". Ha ha..Abby is really a lot of fun at this age, even if there is a slight attitude. We have had a blast swimming this summer...... welllllll sometimes. Since we are currently living with Gerald's parents, we have a huge pool in our backyard, which is amazing. However, for some reason Abby has been terrified of the water this summer, and she will not get off of the steps. The only time she has enjoyed swimming this summer, was at Point Mallard last week. Gerald, my mom, and I took her to play for the day, and she had so much fun. She swam in the Wave pool by herself, the Olympic pool, and even went down the slides. It was a great time, me and Gerald even had a blast going down all of the big slides. It had been a while.

So a little update on me. Like I said, I am staying at home with Abby right now, but my days are not a piece of cake. I am constantly doing school work, or taking care of her. Not sure if I've posted about spring semester yet, but I finished with all A's and have a 4.0. I'm sure no one cares, but it makes me so proud considering I dropped out of school after tenth grade!! Right now I'm taking a Math class that is hybrid so I have to go to class twice a week from 5:30-7:30, but all of my work is done online. Makes no sense to me. ha ha. And, I am also taking a completely online English class. The English class is pretty easy.. all I have to do is write five compositions, and I'm done. Although they do all have to be 300-500 words, and one is a research paper, which I have never written in my life. I'm learning summer classes are definitely harder and take more discipline, but overall I am still doing good. 

An update on me and Gerald. We have started going to Epic Church, and it is doing some amazing things in our lives. I know it sounds crazy since we have only been going for a couple of months, and just became members of the Dream Team two weeks ago. But, we have really changed! I am so much happier, and I cannot believe how much better our relationship is. We still have our moments like every other couple our age, but our connection and care for each other has grown a lot! Like for instance, Gerald asked me last week if I wanted to go ahead and get married, and he had talked with the church about it. Turns out it is free to get married there, and we are going to do it! We're going to pay for everything extra ourselves, well actually I can't take that credit because Gerald is the one working to pay for it. I wish I could help out, or my mom had a lot of money, OR even my Dad had stuck around and been there for me. When it comes to stuff like this I really get sad about not having him in my life. But, I am so THANKFUL for Gerald because he really wants to pay for it and doesn't mind at all. We are going to keep it simple, family and close friends, a small do it yourself reception, and spend the majority of money on our honeymoon (which I'm excited to see what all he plans for that).As of right now we are shooting for the beginning of August, but we still need to meet with the church to discuss the date and details. I cannot wait to become Mrs. Tiffany Newsom!!! :) Ahhh!! It's about time, oh and this time there is no way we're pushing it back. Lol..Gerald says if the wedding doesn't happen by the date we set, I can leave him. (He was KIDDING of course, because I would NEVER do that lol)

Wow! This was a really long post ha ha..and I will try to keep this updated as often as possible. Hoping to also post some pictures in a little while.
