Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Day

I think this picture pretty much captures it perfectly! ;) 
Our Christmas Eve ended very late with us having to unload all the presents, and play Santa. Then naturally our Christmas morning started extra early. Ha ha, that's always how it works right?! So we got the kids up around 6:30 am, and headed down stairs at Gerald's parents, to see what Santa brought!! Abby looked so surprised, and it was so fun to watch their faces! I was so excited this year because it was definitely the best so far! Cole was a little shy/cranky that morning. Once he opened up his basketball, it pretty much ended his interest in the other presents. He was attached, and still is, to his basketball. Just like his Daddy! ;) 

Santa brought him lots of balls, a t-ball set, a golf clubs, new dinosaurs, clothes, lots of lego blocks, a John Deer little tractor with legos (basically our house is full of legos now haha), and more boyish stuff like that! He was such a good boy this year! 

Some of Abby's favorite gifts from Santa was this Easy Bake oven, a Furby, lots of arts and craft sets, new clothes, boots, a princess book set that reads to her, a Razor (scooter), barbies, and more!! She must have be a good girl this year! ;) 

We'll have some good times cooking with this! 

The reason we got the kids up so early was so we could make it to Tasha's house in time. Cousins Kayli and Chase got a huge surprise this year, their going to Disney!! We all piled in their living room to watch their response (which was pretty funny) as they opened a box filled with balloons and a "We're going to Disney" letter! They leave in just a couple of weeks. Fun!! :) 

Then we headed literally right down the street to watch Mary Hyatt open her Santa! Gerald's sisters live in the same neighborhood now. I mean you could literally throw a rock and hit their houses haha. Abby just loved that!  It was so much fun for the kids to be there to watch everyone's Santa! Though I think we may have bombarded MH's a little too much haha. Poor Cole wouldn't get out of her new car, OR let off the horn! Eek =/ 

After going to all of the cousins, it was time for everyone to meet back up at Gerald's parents for breakfast and more presents! Abby loved Nana and Papi's new rotating tree! ;) 

Some of Cole's favorite gifts from family were this basketball goal, a Black and Decker workbench, clothes, trucks/cars, and lots of other boy stuff like that! Needless to say, he's had a blast the past few days, and has played independently so well! 

Abby has been asking Santa to get her a tablet ever since we got ours! When it wasn't under the tree I could tell she was a little bummed. Gerald's parents asked to get it for her so we decided to do that, and I knew she'd be surprised. Her reaction was just priceless!! 

She has been on it constantly and just loves it! Even as I type this, she is watching Jesse all cuddled up in my bed! :) 

 These girls got lots of matching gifts this year, and Abby loved them all so much! 

Having a tea party! 

Daddy and Colebear. :) 

Tasha, Me, and Christen in our new Patagonia's ha ha! We all loved them! 

The rest of Christmas Day was spent napping, playing, eating more, and just lounging around his parent's. We were SO tired! 

The next day we ran around town and got to see Decatur. It has changed a little since we've been back. There is a new Walmart Market, Kohl's, and Olive Garden. That is where we ate lunch, and it was delicious! I don't know why we never go there, but we need to start! Now I'm craving it again... ;) 

Abby is wearing one of her new outfits, new boots, one of her sparkly headbands (she's all about glitter/sparkly things!), and the cowl I crocheted her! I love it, and made everyone one this year. There were several different colors, and I plan to post them soon. :)  

Right before we headed to my dad's.
I love my little family! 

The kids with my Dad at his house in Eva, AL. 

Sorry this isn't the best picture ha ha, but it's all I have of us at his house! 

After visiting with him and my step mom for a couple hours, we headed back to the gulf coast! Abby got to stay one more night though. She had a spend the night party with Mary Hyatt at Christen and Ben's house! She just loved getting to stay at their new house, and spend extra time with everyone including Kayli. 
It's good be home, but I miss "home-home" already! ;) 

We're off again in a few days to spend NYE at Sandestin with G's parents. This is our first time seeing what their new year celebration is like, and we hear it is awesome! Can you believe that it is almost 2014? Because I sure can't!

Anyways, I'll be sure to post lots of pictures. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe new year!! :)


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